
Dakshinamurthy stotram english
Dakshinamurthy stotram english

dakshinamurthy stotram english

Mauna – Silent, Vyakhya – Exposition / Lecture, Prakatitha – Revealed, made evident, Para Brahma – Ultimate Reality, Tatvam – Truth of Para Brahma, Yuvan – Young / Ageless, Varshsihta – Elderly, Anthe Vasad – One who lived with, Rushiganaihi – Group of Rishis, Aavrut – Surrounded, Brahma Nistaihi – Established in the knowledge of the Brahman, Acharyendra – The king of teachers, greatest teacher, Karakalith – Apparent / Visible (In hand), Chin Mudram – A type of Mudra, Ananda Murthim – In the form of limitless joy, Svatmaram – One who revels in one’s own self, Mudita Vadanam – Whose face is smiling Swatmaraamam Mudita Vadanam Dakshinamurthim Ide Varshista AntheVasad Rushiganaihi, Aavruttam Brahma NishtaihiĪchaaryendram Karakalitha Chin Mudram Ananda Murthim Mauna Vyakhyaa Prakatitha Parabrahma Tathvam Yuvanam These verses are taken from various scriptures. It also helps paint a picture in one’s mind (iconography).

dakshinamurthy stotram english

It describes Dakshinamurti in a symbolic way – as the source of all spiritual wisdom, Vedic & Upanishadic wisdom. Preceding this are several other verses called Dhyana Shlokas. Therefore this stotram is recommended to be studied after the study of Shankara’s all other Vedantic texts. To understand this stotram in its true sense requires a Vedantic understanding and spiritual preparation. Shankara takes all of the profound and complicated Vedanta and unfolds it in this poem in a delightful fashion. However, Shankara being the great scholarly teacher, uses his hymns wherever possible, to teach Vedanta. This stotram is primarily a prayer for the worship of Dakshinamurti and secondarily for worshiping any teacher as the form of God. Among all of Shankara’s works, this stotra stands out. It is chanted as two separate words of 12 and 7 syllables. Thus the Dakshinamurti Stotram is Moksha Shastra, a scriptural teaching that can lead to one’s liberation. This stotra is also a superb work of poetry set in a meter known as Shardula Vikridita. This transformative knowledge is capable of destroying the Mula Avidya (fundamental ignorance) that is the ultimate cause for all suffering.

dakshinamurthy stotram english

The Dakshinamurti Stotram by Adi Shankaracharya contains some of the most profound teachings of Advaita Vedanta. Word by word meaning has been provided in English

Dakshinamurthy stotram english